March 30, 2005 Guilt only holds you back
Today, just one day of many in my life, i've decided to devote to progressing in my guilt problems. See you may be thinking, "Orion, oh why would you feel guilty about anything?" I'll tell you why, there's a dog downstairs, Gabe, who is almost in acoma because i through some damn rancid capacino out my bedroom window. This was no ordinary rancid capacino, this was full of something we all despise finding in our bedrooms, MOLD! When throughing this capacino out my window it did not strike me that i may be harming animals, only that i would saving myself from this reched smell that was only growing. This smell surpassed my cigarette smoke in odar, which as you all know is very hard to do. Yet did i know, that the family dog, Gabe, would run up like the retard cutie he is and stuff his face with the MOLD! I thought as i was laying down in my bed after my mom had come in with her extremely bitchy ranting, that only she could do, maybe i'll go talk to audrey for a little while. So i got up and walked into audrey's room thinking nothing unusual had happened, but soon after the loud silence was interupted with a buzz sound coming from the wall. Originally Audrey and i thought it was something outside, that maybe some person was having some good times with the window open, but to our suprise it had turned out to be the family dog, gabe, shaking violently with vomit surounding his paws, just staring at me with a grin on his face.
So now the dog is getting better and i feel less guilty for what i have done, fed the dog mold accidently.