/* haloscan tag /* Unorganized Accounts of My Preoccupation: My hand without yours

Monday, June 26, 2006

My hand without yours

Even more Unorganized Accounts of My Preoccupation

Would I be the one with tears staining my face in the dark of the night on a matress fraught with with your memory?
And at night there's nothing but tomorrow's drudgery to consider,
a place and time thereafter, where our worlds, my life, is expunged.
And why don't you choke on these thoughts as I speak them?
And why has my luck fallen short of death?
If there's no thought, no suffering, and choice,
how come your eye's show me otherwise?
How long must I drown before there's some relief?


Just as I have thought of our world without myself,
Just a reaction like any,
Just the thought of this world replacing my love and more
is so insufferable as a friend's death untimely.


Why don't you choke on these thoughts so inevitable as my next breath?


Well here's to the end of some thing as beautiful as life itself;
I tip my head forward to comply and drown out all these thoughts with pain I feign to hide under another facade of selfrespect.
Let it be over now.


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