/* haloscan tag /* Unorganized Accounts of My Preoccupation: Tuesdays need to be more like Fridays

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Tuesdays need to be more like Fridays

I've been to school had my time there, spent not all that well as usual. I'm failing my lab as of now, but i have a good amount of time to make up all the projects that i'm missing; and there're so many projects I'm missing that I'd better get started soon, next week atleast. I signed on this morning and a few peoples network messages popped up saying, "hey", and things running along the lines of, "I know what you did", trying to freak me out or something, but i knew since everyone's user number was posted at the end of the message that i was being messaged by everyone from IT lab across the hallway. Those nerds can't get enough of the digital media lab, always coming over and saying hi to my teacher and asking him for the lastest scoop on some windows failure or some network slip up in the school. My teacher seems to have to good stuff i guess. What a bunch of nerds, and i love them.

I went to some peoples blogs today, sent them emails, and most of them responded within a few hours, which is pretty nice of them. I don't know if many people would email me out of nowhere when they were just browsing through my blog. The next button has this issue with sending you to people's blogs from other countries, so i'm sure it works the same for the other countries getting sent to our homegrown blogs here. This took place all during my lab periods, 1-4. They seem like nice people.

Stephanie is coming over once her mom gets back from work, and we're going to hang out for a little while, doing something involving a "suprise." I'm glad because I'm kinda tired and i don't feel like doing anything that takes much energy... today's going to be a lazy day.

On the way to school this morning my mom and i got in a pretty heated arguement over whether it's okay to have religion in politics. I brought up some of what my english teacher and i talk about, which is talking about how religous poeple have many irrational and illogical beliefs that are a must for the religion and if you mix politics, which requires lots of reason, with religion it can become another reason for other countries to hate us. We have a huge collective against our country, and i certainly don't blame them for hating us, because i hate plenty of things our country does. The fact is i was born here, and i can't really leave this palce without leaving my family and my life, and that's not worth it. She was saying that we need god in our government or everything would be very corrupt, and i could disagree anymore. Other religions hate Christians and that leads them to hate a country that has a christian leader. Bush could've at least been a little more courtious to the other countries and their reputations, but he insisted upon calling them things like, "the axis of evil against god", and, "a holy country in god's grace." What an idiot! Is he trying to get us all killed, because thats what he's leading us to. My mom said that this country was founded on Christianity and their ideals. I agree that it was founded on those ideals, which are just plain good ideals. They had good morals, but as the world has changed their views on what they need and want, so should we change how we deal with them, and if that means seperating church and state the most as possible, then by all means do so. I'd rather not be terrorized by people that hate us for our beliefs. And if you think about it, it's so easy to see the answer that change brings. We're dealing with a religion that says the will be rewarded for killing infidels even if that means taking their own life in the process. We don't want to mess with people that will kill because they believe they'll be rewarded in the after life with virgins and bliss; who doesn't want virgins and bliss? Yeah it got me in an irritable mood, like i could argue with anyone over anything for no real reason, but i still wanted to.

I'm reading Hannibal and A Heart Of Darkness, two great books, but i'm only slowly getting to both of them, switching off whenever i feel in the mood to read during school or at home. I'm enjoying them and the time reading them; it brings a sense of accomplishment and productivity as well as a good storyline. This concludes my dad so far. I think i'm going to go drink some more tea and smoke a cigarette while waiting for stephanie to arrive. I'll some more later, possibly... ::love to any readers::


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