If you're going to stress the rules, make sure you're going to do it right. You Fuck!
*If my english teacher wants to with hold my grades for missing school, giving me a C instead of my current, unadultered A, then he better have good fucking reasoning, and there's no way i'm going to sit to watch without any fight on this issue, especially when it's my grade at stake. What a prick!
So I've been doing my best to make sure he has, without a reasonable doubt, all the evidence needed to hold a strong arguement in abating my grade in his class. I'm entirely fucking sick of this feigned principal/moral consentment. "Where's the contention?", he asked. Well, with you feign reprobate reaction, and, all the sudden, you're an outstanding, morally principalled person?
Fucking idiot...
I went to the attendence counselor about the issue, getting nothing i couldn't have found on my own. I've already gotten my print out of missed days from the schools network, and i know all the days i've missed the dumb sod's class. I straight up asked for a print out of all the assignments assigned dates, from beginning to end, and due dates, or the stint in which they were due. I said that I shouldn't have my grade dropped from a low A to a C, when i've completed all the work. A facet to understand about my teacher's assignments is, he assigns things and has them due when the're finish, being only particularly scrutinizing with my case for some reason. For example, the assignment is assigned, say, monday, and it would be due from wednesday to friday. If i miss tues or even wednesday or both, then shouldn't i be accounted for missing that day only, making me still eligable for the turn-in date on friday? I believe so.
I'm really liking being a dick on an issue i know i'm right in, particularly when i can stick it to an authority figure who is in power over me. The dumbshit@!^%!! MOTHA @!*^ DA@!E$!@ BI(&#! The only problem i have is staying calm when bringing it up. I was with the attendence counselor, questioning her for my liability, when she said she thinks she should talk to Mr. Cunningham about this whole matter, because she thought i might blow it up into something i may get in trouble with; but i told her i'm the one with the problem. I'm the one that's going to figure the matter out, and, if conflict may arise, i will be professional in my mannors, as always... I did raise my voice, but i didn't say anything offensive, nor off topic, strickly subject oriented.
Anyways, enough of that.
No work today, just school and a detention, but, i'm going to see if i can serve this dentention tomorrow, when i have ISD already--she may let me out early since i would be in the same room all day. It'd be good to get all or at least almost all the discipline out in one day, and that day is tomorrow.
I think i may end up jamming with david today while Stephanie is working; hopefully, that will work out. I have to call him right after schoo, when i get home to make sure he can.
I'm going to sleep now. I don't care if I'm suppost to be working. I don't feel like it. give me an hour's rest.
Miss and Love you My Queen.